Feeding Time

Length of time to make horses dinner.
Soak beet pulp - 12 hours
Wash out buckets in icy water  -  1min
Warm hands up again as they have frozen to feed bucket - 5min
Curse at feed bag string because it’s not doing that lovely satisfying pull through the top of the bag but instead is getting tighter -  5min
Find scissors  - 10min
Trip over buckets on the way back with scissors and hurt your knee -  2min
Open feed bag with scissors but try to make it look like you opened it by pulling the string  - 2min
Mix feed with soaked beet pulp and supplements -  1min
Wrestle veg oil bottle off the dog who is licking the lid and doesn’t want to give it back -  1min
Mix veg oil in with feed -  1min
Bring feed out to yard and feed horses  - 10min
Go find torch so you can see hay in hay shed, load up wheelbarrow with hay and bring back to horse who’s now kicking empty feed bucket around -  5min
Hay and change water in stables – 10min

Length of time to make my dinner
Boil kettle, pour into pot noodle, too exhausted to wait and just eat half softened pot noodle – 2min

I’m doing something wrong here?

Always end on a good note!

That’s the trick isn’t it.
Sometimes it’s hard to know when you’ve hit that note. If you did one more circle would it be better? If you have one last silly spook just before you untack does that cancel out the good note you hit just before you cooled down?

Oh dear…I wonder if I ever hit the right note?